Jacaranda Kids created the Gift a Child With… program to enable donors to purchase select items for a child in need.
Struggling families are challenged to provide basic needs like school uniforms or shoes. Often, children are sent home from school if they do not have required items. Many of these items are handmade by Jacaranda Creations, so you don’t just gift a child, you support a family.
Select a gift below!

School Fees for a Year for a donation of $600
Public and private schools collect school fees at some level. For most of the families that we serve, the choice is school fees or food, power or water. This gift will relieve a child’s family of the burden of school fees for ONE entire school YEAR. In addition to education, the child receives essential meals at school.

School Fees for a Month for a donation of $50
Both public and private schools require school fee payments. We welcome you to sponsor a child in the slums of Nairobi on an ongoing basis, however if you're unable to make a long-term commitment, gift a student with a month's worth of school fees. In addition to instruction, school provides essential meals for the child.

Food Basket for a $35 donation
Food insecurity is a real issue among many of the children that we serve. Nourishment is essential for a child to thrive at school and at home. Gift a child and his family a nutritious meal. Our team at Jacaranda will purchase and deliver food to a family who is struggling.

School Sweater for a $20 donation
Thanks to our location near the equator, temperatures are moderate, but chilly winter mornings call for a sweater. The bright colored school sweaters coordinate nicely with the plaid school uniforms. Your gift will provide a new school uniform sweater for a child.

School Uniform for a $35 donation
Public and Private Schools require uniforms. The cost of a uniform adds an extra burden to already struggling families. Lighten their load by providing a new uniform for a child, and give the student a sense of belonging.

Pair of School Shoes for a $25 donation
Every child deserves a comfortable, sturdy and well-fitting pair of shoes. Many of them walk a long way to school, so comfy shoes are a must. These leather shoes are selected due to school dress codes and durability of the shoes.

Backpack for a $25 donation
Every child needs a backpack of their own! Whether a day student or a boarding student, this essential helps the student stay organized and transport their things between home and school. The gift of a backpack serves a practical need and also gives the child a sense of ownership.

Food Basket
Give the gift of nourishment to a family in need. These baskets are filled with basic items such as rice, flour, beans, soups and other supplies like soap, toothpaste, etc.

A Sweater
Give the gift of clothing to a child. These sweaters are breathable and durable, perfect for an active child.

School Uniform
Uniforms are a requirement for many of the schools in Kenya. The child who receives one of these uniforms will have one in the closest size available.

A New Pair of Shoes
Hundreds of children are sent home every day, because they do not have the required school shoes. It is tragic and avoidable! Your donation will allow us to purchase new school shoes for a child.

A Backpack
Give the gift of a backpack to a child in need. Many of these children have to walk long distances to and from school. This gift will not only make their walk easier, it will also bring them joy and a sense of belonging.