There are many ways you can donate to the Jacaranda Community. You get to choose where your donation goes.

1. A General Donation

General donations received will be allocated to the branch that is most in need at the time the donation is placed. Make a general donation today! U.S. Donations | Canadian Donations.

2. Choose one of our branches to donate directly to!

3. Love in Action = Partnership

There are other ways you can donate. Each of our branches are in great need of support other than monetary means. Our Academic centres desperately need school supplies, our Jacaranda Care is in need of medical supplies and kits, the children of Jacaranda Kids lack the basic necessities such as shoes and backpacks and Jacaranda Creations is continually growing to support more women and is in great need for sewing supplies, machines and more. To learn more about each branch and to see how you can make a difference simply click on one of these links: Learn more about the needs of Jacaranda Creations / Jacaranda Kids / Jacaranda Care / Jacaranda Academics

4. Donate to the Jacaranda Church

Your donation will go to sustaining the church and allow for the growth necessary to accommodate the new Christians joining the fellowship! Make a donation to the church today: U.S. Donations | Canada Donations.

5. I want to donate something specific!

Don't see an option for what you would like to specifically donate to? Not a problem, simply contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you in ensuring your donated funds go exactly where you would like them to go!